Created a Powershell script to list all the files and there sizes into a comma separated file.
Checks file sizes in a SharePoint document library and write them into comma separated file.
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell
$url = "your sharepoint site path"
$spAssignment = Start-SPAssignment
Add-Content $strPath "`n FileName , Size , Access Denied"
$spWeb = Get-SPWeb $url -AssignmentCollection $spAssignment
# Get the folder
$spFolder = $spWeb.GetFolder("Shared Documents")
# Store file collection in a variable
function FileParser([Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFolder]$spFolder)
$spQuery = new-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPQuery
$spQuery.Folder = $spFolder
$spWeb = $spFolder.ParentWeb
$spList = $spWeb.Lists[$spFolder.ParentListId]
$spItemCollection = $spList.GetItems($spQuery)
foreach ($spItem in $spItemCollection)
# If the item is a folder
if ($spItem.Folder -ne $null)
# Write the Subfolder information
Write-Host("Folder: " + $spItem.Name + " Parent Folder: " + $spFolder.Name)
# Call the Get-Items function recursively for the found sub-solder
FileParser $spItem.Folder
# If the item is not a folder
if ($spItem.Folder -eq $null)
Write-Host("File: " + $spItem.File + " Size " + $spItem.File.Length)
$size = $spItem.File.Length.ToString()
$filepathName = $spItem.File.ToString()
$strLine = $filepathName + " , " + $size
Add-Content $strPath $strLine
Catch {
Write-Host("Error : $_ ")
Add-Content $strPath "$_"
$spWeb = $null
FileParser $spFolder
$a = $null
Stop-SPAssignment $spAssignment
Acknowledgement: Part of the logic was taken from Paul King's blog